
Protect yourself from Energy Vampires with Crystals.

What does it mean when a crystal breaks or is lost?

3 Best Crystals for Sleep and Insomnia

Crystals for Money and Wealth
Crystals transform your life in various ways. You can choose which aspect of your life you want to focus on for this magical transformation. Abundance and wealth are something we all want. The 5 best crystals for attracting money and wealth are Citrine, Pyrite, Green Aventurine, Peridot & Malachite.
All of the above crystals can be used in any form you like based on what calls out to you. You can choose to place them in your space in their natural raw form or clusters. Or you could incorporate them into your daily lives by wearing them in jewelry form. You could use tumbled stones or palm stones for meditation, or just carry them in your pocket.

Crystals that help with Communication, Public Speaking and Expression
Are you someone who finds it hard to express your feelings and put them into words? The words want to come out of your mouth, and they feel a little stuck at the base of your throat or in your heart? The crystals that will help you are Blue Kyanite, Aquamarine, and Blue Lace Agate.
Do you feel great when you speak in a small group, but the moment you have to address a larger group, make presentations and speak in public, you kind of lose your nerve and blank out? The stones for you are Blue Fluorite and Turquoise.

How to connect with 5 Archangels using Healing Crystals

Five Crystals for Meditation and Spirituality

Crystals for Children- For the little ones and the young ones.

Online Crystal Shopping? Here’s how to do that!

What are Crystals? A beginner's guide

Crystal Grid for releasing Emotional Stress

Crystals for Personal Growth and Healing

Difference between Tumbles, Rough/ Raw Stones and Clusters