Crystals for protection from energy vampires. Wear them as jewellry or carry them in your pocket and feel vibrant.

Protect yourself from Energy Vampires with Crystals.

Talk To Crystals
How many times have you felt drained after meeting a friend or an acquaintance? Does it happen every time you meet this friend? Your friend is draining your energy. An energy vampire is a person who subconsciously sucks your energy due to their need. What are the crystals to use for protection from energy vampires? How can you retain your vibrancy and continue your daily routine or work? Read on! 
What does it mean when a crystal breaks or is lost?

What does it mean when a crystal breaks or is lost?

Talk To Crystals
You could damage a crystal while traveling or it could get damaged while transporting it. But sometimes a crystal could break for no logical reason at all, and that's when we look at the mystical reason for crystals leaving us. Crystals can shatter if the person wearing them is at the receiving end of a psychic attack. Again this is usually true for the crystals worn for protection. More than one client has come to me with stories about how their black tourmaline pendant broke into pieces, or how their bracelet snapped!
3 Best Crystals for Sleep and Insomnia

3 Best Crystals for Sleep and Insomnia

Talk To Crystals
Many of us find it hard to sleep peacefully. Crystals are one of nature’s gifts to us to help us when we find it hard to sleep easily. A few of these are Amethyst, Selenite, and Mangano CalciteSpending time with any crystals will allow the crystal to give you the benefit of its healing properties. Use one or a combination of these to enjoy your time of relaxation and sleep.
Crystals for Money and Wealth

Crystals for Money and Wealth

Talk To Crystals

Crystals transform your life in various ways. You can choose which aspect of your life you want to focus on for this magical transformation. Abundance and wealth are something we all want. The 5 best crystals for attracting money and wealth are Citrine, Pyrite, Green Aventurine, Peridot & Malachite.

All of the above crystals can be used in any form you like based on what calls out to you. You can choose to place them in your space in their natural raw form or clusters. Or you could incorporate them into your daily lives by wearing them in jewelry form. You could use tumbled stones or palm stones for meditation, or just carry them in your pocket. 

Crystals to improve communication and expression available online. Buy Blue Kyanite, Turquoise, Larimar, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Apatite, Aquamarine, Multi Fluorite,Lapis Lazuli to improve you communication skills.

Crystals that help with Communication, Public Speaking and Expression

Talk To Crystals

Are you someone who finds it hard to express your feelings and put them into words? The words want to come out of your mouth, and they feel a little stuck at the base of your throat or in your heart? The crystals that will help you are Blue Kyanite, Aquamarine, and Blue Lace Agate.  

Do you feel great when you speak in a small group, but the moment you have to address a larger group, make presentations and speak in public, you kind of lose your nerve and blank out? The stones for you are Blue Fluorite and Turquoise. 

Angels are around us and we can enhance their energy by keeping angel figurines made in healing crystals around us. Buy crystal angels online from talk to crystals.

How to connect with 5 Archangels using Healing Crystals

Talk To Crystals
Angels and crystals! They are magical, and my favorite friends to turn to when I need  guidance in any way. When I find it difficult to connect with the angels, I call upon one of my crystal friends to give me that energy boost and manage to connect instantly with their help. During a session of channelling, I find I can reach the right frequency with the help of crystals that vibrate in the frequency required. And yes… Crystals help me to stay with the energy of the angels for a much longer time, and I love being in that blissful energy state.
Authentic Crystals for Spirituality and Meditation. Best Crystals for Meditation are Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite, Angelite, Labradorite. Buy genuine crystals online at Talk to Crystals.

Five Crystals for Meditation and Spirituality

Talk To Crystals
Crystals are excellent tools to help deepen our practice of meditation. They raise our vibration, supercharge the power of intentions, and access strong meditative states to feel uplifted.Spirituality is a way of life, and Crystals can help us live and grow in our spiritual life with ease. When we discover our spiritual selves, we raise the vibration of our consciousness, and crystals help us in doing this, just by being around us. Read more for our recommendations for the five best crystals for meditation and spirituality.
Crystals for Children- For the little ones and the young ones.

Crystals for Children- For the little ones and the young ones.

Talk To Crystals
For Children between a few months or a year to about 10-12 years, it’s a good idea to use gentle and soft crystals like Rose quartz. The moms need to take care they don’t swallow one! So best to keep smooth and larger stones around. It’s a good idea to place a rose quartz lamp or a large sphere out of their reach. Rose quartz radiates love and warmth in all directions, especially in the form of a sphere or a heart. 
Healing crystals. You can now buy crystals online. Talk to Crystals has a vast collection of crystals from all parts of the world. Healing crystals are available in raw form, tumbled form, clusters, pyramids, towers, spheres and in jewelry.

Online Crystal Shopping? Here’s how to do that!

Talk To Crystals
Buying crystals online is no different from visiting a crystal shop, especially if you are sensitive to energy. Since there is a huge variety available online, it’s best to go through some basic steps to identify the crystals you should go for. When it comes to buying crystals online, using your intuition is definitely a part of the process.
How to choose the right crystals

What are Crystals? A beginner's guide

Talk To Crystals
Crystals vibrate at a certain frequency and can change the vibration of the person using the crystal. The vibration changes as the energy blocks are healed or removed from the aura of a space or person. When the vibration is changed, we call it “healing’. The frequency at which a crystal vibrates is unique to each type of crystal.
Crystal Grid for releasing Emotional Stress

Crystal Grid for releasing Emotional Stress

Talk To Crystals
Grid to release Emotional Stress. Connecting with this grid will help you release the stress caused by any misunderstandings. You will be able to release any emotions easily and will be able to communicate with the concerned person or persons without being emotional or getting the ‘victim’ feeling.
Crystals for Personal Growth and Healing

Crystals for Personal Growth and Healing

Talk To Crystals
If you are reading this, you have probably heard about crystals. Crystals are beings that existed before humans and other life forms existed on ear...
difference between Tumbles, Rough Stones and Clusters

Difference between Tumbles, Rough/ Raw Stones and Clusters

Talk To Crystals
Difference between Tumbles, Raw/Rough stones and Clusters. Many of us go through a mini dilemma while buying crystals. Tumble stones are polished and have a smooth surface. A tumble stone has a soft and gentle energy which spreads in all directions. Rough or Raw stones are in the natural form that they are found in the earth. cluster is a collection of many points growing together on a common platform or source.
Does Crystal Size Matter? Tumble stones are excellent for personal healing with crystals and are easy to carry. Larger crystals and crystal clusters are best to raise the vibrations of a room or space both at home and in the  work space.

Does Size Matter? Do you need a Larger Crystal?

Talk To Crystals
A common question asked when buying a crystals is-  ‘Does it matter how big the crystal is’? Do we need to buy a larger crystal for it to work? Has this come up in your mind too? Well the answer is YES AND NO! Read on to know why....