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Attract Love with Rhodochrosite!
February is the month of love and romance as Valentine's day falls in February. The color we associate with love is pink, and this month’s crystal is Rhodochrosite, a beautiful pink stone with wavy lines and orb shapes in various shades of pink. Rhodochrosite’s name is of Greek origin and translates to rose color, “Rhodos” meaning rose and “khros” meaning color. It is also known by names such as Manganese Spar, Raspberry Spar but is most popular as Rhodochrosite.
It is known for its loving energy and every time you hold one or wear something made from this beautiful crystal, it gives you a sense of being loved. It is a stone of the heart chakra and works on attracting love, receiving love, and giving love. When we talk of love vibrations from this stone, we mean divine love, romance, and self-love.
In romance and relationships – rhodochrosite will help release any past bad experiences and open your heart to attracting the right person in your life. If in an existing relationship, this beautiful stone can help reignite the romance which may have dulled due to any misunderstandings or the passage of time. Using rhodochrosite raises your feelings of love and compassion and can help you attract new loving relationships. You may also find some past relationships come back into your life to complete your karma, as you forgive them and yourself, allowing yourself to move on.
For Self-love, this is one of the best crystals to help forgive yourself for something you may have any regrets or guilt feelings about. It invokes compassion for yourself and others. It helps you understand yourself, and love yourself exactly as you are. When you love yourself, you increase your self-esteem, and that works wonders for your confidence too! We all understand how the law of attraction works in this new age – love vibrations within you will attract love from others too! So change your vibration with rhodochrosite to attract more loving relationships in your life.
Divine love is a term used widely and is sometimes associated with spirituality. One could just use this term for being in love with life. All spirituality is love-based, and when you love life and all that it brings to you, your spiritual evolution happens effortlessly.
To sum it up, rhodochrosite helps you increase your love vibration, which in turn attracts loving people and relationships in your life. How can one use this crystal?
- The best way in my experience has been to use this as jewelry worn on your physical body in the form of bracelets, pendants, earrings…. Or anything else you can think of!
- Meditating with rhodochrosite tumbled stones, or in the raw form. Place a cabochon or a stone on your heart chakra while you meditate or relax.
- Place a pair of these in the Southwest area of your home to attract love and romance.
Love, love, love- All we need is love and rhodochrosite brings it to you!
