I was on a hunt for genuine Moldavite for the past one year. All the people who shop online for crystals will understand how vigilant you have to be, while buying crystals online. I wanted to buy from someone whose crystals are genuine and ethically sourced. I went through their Insta page, even requested my Spiritual team to guide me. Synchronicities happened, and I finally decided to check their website. I instantly connected with a Moldavite piece here. I mulled and again meditated over it for 2-3 days. It was such an attractive force, I couldn’t resist. I purchased Herkimer’s Diamond, Pyrite and Moldavite ( Raw and Silver rings).
I was blown away with the vibrations of the crystals. Even the Amethyst I received as a gift is one of a very good quality, which came off as a pleasant surprise because, though I have received many crystals as a free gifts while buying other crystals, none of them have been such a good quality free gift.
The packaging was nice and sturdy. I have received broken crystals in the past from other sellers due of the packaging not being up to the mark.
The customer service is at par. They are so gracious and always ready to help.
Once you are putting in your intention and your money on crystals, you expect a good quality delivery over all, and TTC DOES DELIVER.
Having been a connoisseur for crystals, I definitely recommend TTC to all, be it beginners or advanced crystal lovers.
As for me, I am definitely coming back for more to TTC.